Bad A*s Poets Talking S**t : Forum

Thinking of the dark side

15 Years Ago

I know it is part fascination and part the writer in me that gets me going, but have you ever seriously plotted or thought about things that stretch too far.  I think about the many murders and thefts and how they got caught.  I think about how if they had done one thing differently they would have made it, and I don't mean the supposedly stupid last thing, but ultimately the early on events.  Mostly it comes down to greed and stupidity.  Of course some of the events that happened a long time ago did not have the means that they have right now.  Hitler, I despise what he did, but you have to have respect for the concept that he was able to manipulate an entire society, he had a large following and then the others followed out of fear. But then as a society we all tend to follow blindly, easier to just follow the pattern that is set before us than to fight.  We had the same situation here in America when the African Americans were slaves, not everyone agreed but no one wanted to speak out.  Even when the movement started to fight for their freedom people didn't want to risk upsetting their comfort level.  Even today people have already put 911 out of their minds. Human nature implements a safety net for a person to survive, and with that we tend to put out things that are less enjoyable or frightening.  A true writer at heart embraces all of this and sees the beauty in both sides the survival instinct and the plotter who wishes to destroy that.


15 Years Ago


Fireplaces once
Heated homes against winter’s cold
And on rugs
Lying before hypnotic flames
young children dream the joys of



Eve and Christmas Day
When the clocks strike twelve around the world,
Santa Claus
Drives his reindeer sled filled with toys
And delivers them all at



in dreams
I walk the bright streets
of Crystal City where the Light
there outshines
the sun and yet does not blind me.
reflected on the crystal,
God’s Face.


new title:  Promises

Some personal tips

15 Years Ago

Okay here's a few tips that work for me when it comes to rewrites and characters.
Rewrites are good but remember that the first draft is only that. (A draft.) Different writers have different methods for developing a story, but one thing they all have in common is the need to do rewrites. If you do multiple reworkings as you go you will wind up with two things; An overdeveloped begining and an overwhelming dread of rereading and editing your manuscript for the hundredth time.
Try this, it works for me. Write a chapter, take a short  break, (an hour or a couple of days, whatever gives you a fresh mind.) Reread the chapter for any obvious errors and corrections ONCE before begining the next chapter soon after the reread to help maintain consistency. When the novel is finished then do the hard edit.
As for characters:
You don't need to describe every little thing about a  character, but you do need to give them something that makes them distinctive (Whatever would be your first impression if you met them for the first time..). If you give the reader a few basic things, (e.g. Hair colour and style, complexion, eye colour, etc.) they will fill in the gaps themselves. Allow the reader to imagine the majority of the character's description for themselves. That being said, be sure to mention anything obviously unusual early on in the characters introduction, (Nothing is quite as disturbing to a reader as finding out the character they've been reading about for three chapters has a third nostril, LOL.)

Hope this helps.


Why people murder

15 Years Ago

Murder can be accidental or personal.  Accidental can cover a large degree of items to include vehicle manslaughter or while robbing a place.  Personal is when there is a connection to the victim.  This connection could be a personality type or a certain look or it could be very personal such as a particular person or icon.  The kids at Columbine, supposedly went off because they were made fun of.  Generally it seems that the mass killings are about statements--ie.. 9-11, the terrorist making their statement, Columbine, terrorist in general do mass murder to make a statement.  To kill an individual requires a personal connection, control, purpose, passion, and other very strong emotions.  The killer in silence of the lambs, he was killing the women to harvest their skin, although it wasn't personal with the victim it was personal with him.  The killers in Murder by numbers (I think that is the title, Sandra Bullock stared) anyway it was about being able to perform the perfect murder, it had nothing to do with the victim it was all about the emotion of pride. 
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15 Years Ago

it does, thanks for the reply

To writerski7

15 Years Ago

My point exactly. lol


15 Years Ago


day sky turned to night
a huge canvas pulled away
by angels at work


heavy with concern
for wizened sunflower fields
clouds quench the thankful



a rural still life
sheepdogs guard lambs in pasture
grateful ram and ewe



on the wings of wrens
the sun splashes strokes of gold
brightness everywhere

new title:  Half Moon

Late to the party...

15 Years Ago

...does size count??? Well, I guess that yes, size does, in that you want the guy to "fit" you. A guy can be too big or too small, but it all depends on the woman doesn't it?   If you are not the right size, or you don't have enough room, a "BIG" guy can be just uncomfortable, not sexy, so I think size matters, but it matter in that you want the right size for you.   Men, and some women, put a lot of emphasis into this, and I have seen it in writing too, but the best authors work it into their writing seamlessly, one of my favorites being Laurell K Hamilton, who uses it judiciously in the right moments so that it does not feel awkward.   I do not tend to dwell on it in my writing and often leave it as vague as possible. That is what works best for me.... :)   xxoxx

old posts

15 Years Ago

If you mean by forum, they were deleted

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

1. The times I write is when I'm completely alone and have enough time. I write about an hour or two a day.

2. hm...Method? I write down a possible schedule that I can go through easily.

3. I write and write...and write until I finally think it's time to edit it. when writing a poem, I write and then check it before posting it. Sometimes I write simple drafts and post them and people give me advice on how to change this or that...

It may not be that your slow...It may be that you're working into a good speed, but you want to do everything at once. I think you should slow down a bit and find the right times to write.
When you're writing a book, you can write a chapter and then edit it. Write the whole book, and then edit the whole thing. It's not simple, nor complicated, but it might be a good way for you to not end up freaking out.

Hopefully this suggestion/answer helps. 

Long time, no see.

15 Years Ago

Oh my god, I love the last line. :D
And I honestly miss roleplaying with you guys. 

God bless you

15 Years Ago

I am truly sorry that I haven't been on, school takes a toll on even the weak of humans and the strong of Christian hearts.

I hoped that your baptism went well and I pray that your path will enlighten you for the future, but in all will have obstacles to overcome and i truly pray that you will defeat all the demons and the devil will no longer try to bring you down and God will shine his light of faith through you. 



15 Years Ago


scaling the tin roof
under the hot Tucson sun
first lizard up wins

new title:  Geese


15 Years Ago


one's word
when given lightly
earns the giver little respect.
made to constantly be broken
recall the famous boy who
cried "Wolf"



all things
in God’s creation
Should live in perfect harmony
instead of
choosing to work against the grain,
spoiling the world order of
all things

new title:  January


15 Years Ago

I believe that there is still some chivalry in the world but it is just difficult to find it. Not many men are as chivalrous as they used to be but there are small acts. Boys who are taught good manners and to treat women with respect are usually the ones who follow more traditional chivalry ideas. If today's society would raise there sons with more love and teach them manners and respect, chivalry might return full force.
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Fav. Dan Brown book

15 Years Ago

I read all five of them but "Angels and Demons" is my personal favorite The vivid accounts are amazing !! You almost feel like you're the one out searching for clues and not Robert Langdon. The illuminati symbols are very intriguing.


15 Years Ago

I think chivalry is still out there, but it's hard to find. I still have hope, though.


15 Years Ago


in a sky hammock,
tonight’s half-moon smile tilted,
all is right with the high heavens,
he decides to catch shut-eye
till dawn

new title: January


new year
goads January to swagger
like a king,
lay to rest all resolutions,
put the chill of winter in
old bones

new title: Delete


15 Years Ago


scaling the tin roof
under the hot Tucson sun
first lizard up wins

new title:  Geese


moving giant vee
sky-write a message to Earth--
victorious geese


Do I believe in Fate?

15 Years Ago


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